In a poignant tribute to young lives cut short by heart disease, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has unveiled a series of powerful murals across the UK. These twelve hand-painted artworks serve as a stark reminder that every week, twelve young people under the age of 35 succumb to sudden cardiac death. As the UEFA Euro 2024 kicks off, these murals commemorate talented footballers and devoted fans who left this world too soon, leaving behind unfulfilled dreams.
Halo fans, prepare to unleash your inner Spartan on the tabletop! A brand new miniatures combat game is set to arrive in September 2024, thanks to a collaboration between Mantic Games and 343 Industries. Get ready for thrilling battles, authentic Halo experience, and more!
Exciting news for Halo fans! In 2024, Halo returns to the tabletop with a new miniatures skirmish game by Mantic Games and 343 Industries. Launching in September, this game promises thrilling Spartan battles and immersive gameplay. Stay tuned for more details!
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